Friday, May 14, 2010

Bloomsday With Dogs?

Bloomsday bloomsday! Pointless running or an enjoyable pastime? I mainly do it for the t-shirt and workout, but forgot to sign up this year! It's ok though, because I had basketball the same day. And, the day before I did a 3 mile jog with my poppa! I know it's only 3, but come on! 7? That's just too much to ask for!
I am not sure if they already do, but I think there should be a dog walking group for bloomsday. There is already a running, jogging, walking, wheelchair, stroller, etc. groups! Why not one for dogs. I know I'd take my dogs there! Best walk they've ever had!
Here's a picture of my two dogs, Bobby
Good times and Franklin Bernard. Frank is the small wiener dog! And nothing is wrong with his skin

Misty May Treanor & Kerri Walsh

Most of you probably don't know that I play volleyball. Well I do, and it is pretty much my favorite sport! (As well as basketball!) I enjoy watching it in a gym, outside, on TV, and at the Olympics! I have never been to the summer Olympics, (sigh) but I hope to some day.
Misty May Treanor and Kerri Walsh are my two favorite professional volleyball players. They play beach volleyball, and won it all at the Beijing Olympics a few years back. I hope they continue onto the next Olympic games, and win again!
Not only do I want to watch the summer Olympics games, but to play in them as well! I know it is a complete long shot, but what the heck!
Also, I love watching gymnastics. I think it is so cool to watch, and I always wish that I actually was them. Being able to do all those flips and stuff would be amazing! I even thought of becoming a gymnast after watching the summer Olympics a few years ago at my lake cabin. But I soon knew that that would never happen, because of the fact that I can't even touch my toes!

Grape Lady Falls!

I love some good entertainment! Try not to wet yourself children!